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The Universal Man

May 31, 2018

“Your candle doesn’t glow brighter when you blow someone else’s out"
What is it?
The ‘tall poppy’ is a mentality that seeks to put the performance of another down in order to feel good within our own mediocrity. Tall Poppy thinking is at home in the herd. In the herd mentality the sheep flock to the pool of...

May 24, 2018

We are all spiritual. Just we are all have physical, intellectual, emotional elements to who we are we have the spiritual. This is the space of meaning making, of purpose, of our deepest sense of self; who I am beyond all else. Spirituality is where and how we find meaning and purpose in our lives. It is intimately...

May 17, 2018

There is a difference between normal goals and epic goals. An epic goal normally entails some sort of adventure, journey or challenge that requires total and all out commitment of energy, learning and time.
The first time you write down this goal or think about committing to it you should be struck by a sense of fear...

May 10, 2018

Discipline is a set of practices based on core beliefs that keep you on the path to being the best you. It is not about being rigid and thoughtless, instead it is staying true to a habit / cause / routine over a period of time. It means not taking the easy route and giving up at the first sign of trouble or of...

May 3, 2018

In this episode we explore setbacks and how to use them for growth and regaining momentum. 
There is not one among us who does not regularly have a setback in some aspect of their lives. Setbacks are those ‘gone backwards’ time's; a time of loss, of lost momentum, confusion, loss of energy and focus etc. There...